Vacas de Campo program

The Vacas de Campo program was developed and proven in our farms of Rico Gado Agro Pecuária which has extensive experience in extensive cattle production, presenting excellent results.

This proximity to livestock production allows the adequate development of formulas that are tested and respond effectively to the needs of the producer, such as deliveries without the need for technical assistance, good lactation and maintenance of the mothers' body condition, good calf growth and uniformity of weights at weaning.


Why join the Vacas de Campo program?

- It allows to cope with times of greater food shortage, keeping the animals strong and healthy;

- Maintenance of body condition;

- Improved fertility;

- Good lactation and ease of delivery;

- Excellent calf growth rates;

- Uniform weights at weaning;

- Greater economic return.

Technical considerations


- Vitamin mineral supplement that complements the mineral and vitamin contents of fodder and compound feedingstuffs;

- Good appetite;

- Help in the prevention of problems related to childbirth, such as uterine inertia due to lack of calcium or placental retention due to selenium deficiency;

- It allows a balanced fetal development and, consequently, calves with great vitality to the childbirth;

- Provides a better recovery of the reproductive system, thus reducing the interval between deliveries.